Monday, 2 May 2016

Girls and their drama (Final Part) by Olusanya Rebecca

You this bitch,  Bimpe said as she drags Rebecca by the hair.  You think you are smart,  one minute you are acting like you are holy and the next you are acting like the shit.
  Rebecca struggles to be left alone but all her struggles were to no avail, Bimpe continues,  I warned, didn't I? Stay away from Femi,  if he thinks he can dump me and get away with it,  then he has got it all wrong,  I don't have any business with him but with you, she looks around like looking for what to hit Rebecca with.  Oh oh oh favour,  she calls out to her friend,  where is that stuff na.  Favour surprised,  babe don't use it on this girl ooo,  you promised Femi remember.  Tania who had been watching  with patience on hearing the" stuff",  joins,  haba Bimpe I don't think you have to take this to the extreme, ask her if she really has anything to do with your boy friend first na.  Rebecca quickly adds, I swear! he is just a friend,  Nifemi sorry senior Nifemi said I am like his junior sister,  that is all,  am not saying he is not good looking but we are not dating or anything,  believe me senior Bimpe.  (at that time taiwo and her twin sister who have been watching from afar and couldn't take the fact that the seniors are all shouting at Rebecca, ran to report to the house mistress ) ma! Ma! Excuse me ma,  taiwo said as the house mistress opened her door,  the seniors..  Still panting,  Rebecca! they will kill her oooo,  MA please go and stop them her twin sister managed to add.  The house mistress who saw the urgency in their report,  got a hold of her phone and called the security,  on her way to the seniors room,  yes,  this is the girls hostel,  please I need you to send some of your security boys,  my girls have started again,  you know na,  the rand or whatever they call themselves.  Hurry please.  (back to the fight scene) Rebecca you are getting on my nerves, you will drink this stuff before I put pepper in your eyes.  I can't drink it,  I don't know what it is,  please,  God please save me oooo, senior Bimpe please am sorry.  Bimpe who is still furious,  grabbed the cup from her and sighed to her friends,  hold her for me.  They struggle to get Rebecca drink the content but she didn't allow it.  Just as they were struggling the house mistress joins them,  would you all stop that now.  Rebecca go and wait for me in front of my room.  Rebecca who was relieved that God has finally sent someone to save her stood up and left for the house mistress room,  she was joined on her way by her roommates.  Kenny to Rebecca,  babe sorry.  Those seniors ehn,  this time around they must be expelled.  Because their parents are influential they have turned the school to something else,  her sister added. You are lucky Becca,  the last girl they did this to,  she is still in the hospital,  Rebecca just smiled because she was too weak to say anything. At the fight scene,  you girls will not escape from punishment this time around,  to Tania were you also part of  them.  Tania said as she heads back to the room,  certainly not,  just came out to watch.  At that time the security people were around and they took away Bimpe and her two friends. The news got to the boys hostel,  nawa oooo,  Femi because of you oo.  Femi who was now worried about Rebecca said to his friends,  I hope those girls didn't injure Rebecca, she always spoke well of Bimpe,  always trying to make peace.  Am really angry at Bimpe oo.  This time around they must be punished. The next day,  Rebecca was admitted at the school clinic for treatment and the three girls were suspended and asked to go for rehabilitation.  Bimpe went to the clinic to see Rebecca and was surprised to meet Femi there,  she looked at both of them,  Femi and Rebecca looked at each other,  then looked at Bimpe.  Before they could say anything,  she smiled and said "THIS IS DEFINITELY NOT THE END. With these word she slammed the door and left the clinic.  (4 months later ) Nifemi! Nifemi,  am going for the fellowship oooo, I don't want us to enter together so people won't be saying love birds again,  she said as she left the class.  Wait for me joor, Femi said as he runs to meet up with her,  like you are not my baby girl,  oya deny that we are not love birds.  Rebecca who was now blushing turned and said to Femi,  I didn't say we are not love birds,  I just don't want it spreading round the school and ruining your reputation,  you know I would do anything  for you right? she said and he nods in agreement.  He held  her hand and said we are going like this for today.  No problem ooo she replied.  They talked and laughed on the way to the Chapel.  Just as they  entered,  someone said to them,  WELCOME love birds.  They stood there in shock,  as Rebecca managed to say,  senior Bimpe,  you are back?  The girl smiled and said YES I AM BACK.

Thank you for reading girls and drama. Hope you enjoyed it.  Read,  like and share. Thanks, story written by becky Rebecca.
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