Monday, 4 January 2016

Nigerian knife killer to be deported to Nigeria insists he his British.

The mother of Junior Bayode is from Nigeria but he was born in Germany and went to the UK aged 9 months. He is serving 11 years for manslaughter after allegedly participating in stabbing a teen to death. He is to be flown to Nigeria on his release but he insists he is British.

He has complained from jail that he will be deported to Nigeria, though he has never been to Africa. Bayode was 16 when he took part in the mob stabbing of Sofyen Belamouadden , 15, and was given 11 years for manslaughter in 2013. Bayode, now 22, blasted jail chiefs over the decision to deport him when he is due to be freed in 2019. 
In a letter he wrote from Moorland jail in Doncaster he said: “I may not have been born here but all I know is the British way of life. I have neither traveled nor been to any other country since I arrived in the UK over 20 years ago.  
My past, my present and my future is firmly rooted in British soil, hence why I am struggling to understand why I have been served with a deportation order to a country I have never been to – Nigeria. I was distraught when I read on the order that I can only appeal after my deportation.

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